Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Target Attack

I stole a lot of things today. Yes, you heard me. I stole. It's not something I'm proud of, nor wish to continue doing...at least for the next few days. It's become, unfortunately, a habit. I am too cheap and my eyes are too open.

Today's victim was Target. To list the items I stole would both bore you and make this post too long. The main reason I went to Target was to buy batteries and hand soap, but of course I left with neither. Instead I now have an array of T-shirts, makeup, sports bras, bathings suits, and a pair of shoes.

The bathing suit part was the most unfortunate, as usual. I am extremely self conscious about my current body - scratch that - I have always been extremely self conscious of my body. Well not always, I mean I don't even think I knew what I looked like until I was 7...? But anyway, the shoes that I bought are awesome (I've been wearing them this whole time).

Goals for end of year: Look better in a bathing suit, stop stealing.

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